A stocking is one of the most sentimental projects you can stitch. They are a focal point of the holiday season, considered family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. When designing this large project, I didn't want it to be boring - I wanted to make sure it would be enjoyable to stitch from start to finish. You will notice that this project requires minimal background stitching, lots of fun colors, and plenty of opportunity for decorative stitches. AND it's on 13 mesh, meaning the holes on the canvas are bigger and it is quicker to stitch.
The fibers listed below are in the same color palette I used for the other pieces of my holiday collection, so everything looks cohesive when it comes time to decorate for the holidays :)
Fiber List
Silk & Ivory
002 White - Background; Drum; Cow; French Hen; Goose
009 Zucchini - Turtle Dove
032 True Blue - Calling Bird; Lord; Swan
036 Admiral Blue - Calling Bird
040 Caviar - Cow; French Hen; Goose; Lord; Swan
061 Split Pea - Cuff Border
079 Cameo - Ballerina; Goose; Lord
082 Pumpkin - Swan
083 Artichoke - Turtle Dove; Pear
089 Latte - Drum; Cow; Ballerina; Pear; Goose; Lord
093 Red Hot - Drum; Horn; French Hen; Goose; Holly
107 Dill Pickle - Pear; Holly
122 Clay - Drum; Cow; Ballerina
202 Tiger - French Hen
213 Banana - Turtle Dove; Pear; Goose; Calling Bird
217 Pewter - Turtle Dove; French Hen; Swan
218 Smoky Quartz - Music Notes; French Hen
233 Bellini - Cow; Ballerina; Bow; Lord
234 Mimosa - Cow; Ballerina; Pear; Bow
Fyre Works
FT1 - Horn
FT21 - Drum; Horn; Ring
FT96 - Ring
Fuzzy Stuff
FZ15 - Turtle Dove; Swan
Kreinik #16 Braid
002 - Gold Dots
Silk Road Fibers Straw Silk
Amber Waves 0310 - Nest
Rainbow Eyelash
RE02 - Turtle Dove; Swan
Dots - French Knots
Cuff - Diagonal Mosaic
Drum - Brick Stitch
Turtle Dove - Diagonal Mosaic
Ballerina - Cashmere (skirt); Long & Short Stitch (hair)
French Hen - French Knots
Pear - Alternating Continenta; (body); Diagonal Mosaic (leaves); Cross Stitch (bottom stem)
Goose Nest - Long & Short Stitch
Lord A-Leaping - Reverse Basketweave
Swan - Turkey Work
French Hen - French Knots